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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

skYS not skIES.

*Note: I had to rewrite this after it was deleted the first time! ugh so I'm sorry if it doesn't sound very good but I am frustrated and I can't remember some of the things I said! boohoo

I noticed a while back that I spelled skies wrong when I made the url for this blog and then went on to spell it the same way when I made my header. I will admit that I didn't notice it at first, which is weird to me because I am normally a really good speller. However, once I realized it and was kind of embarrassed I thought, well atleast it gives it character ha ha.
Anyways, whether I moved to the clear skYS of Boone or the clear skIES of Boone, I am back in the city and I wanted to do a post on the things I'll miss about the good ole' "Booneys" since I did one on what I was excited for in Charlotte.

To start off, the clear skies that I so enjoy in Boone don't refer to weather. Most days I actually want to compare Boone to Forks,WA in the Twilight books. It rains sooo much. The clear skies I'm talking about are at night when you can see all the stars. You just don't get that in Charlotte, so I love to stop in my tracks sometimes when I'm out at night and just look up at the stars. (My friends from the country think I'm crazy they'll say "they're just stars" haha)

I will most definitely miss my girls in SAO a lot over the summer! I don't talk about it nearly enough on here but this sorority has made such an amazing impact on my life by making me a stronger and better person. All these girls are my accountability partners, bstud buds, prayer warriors, and sisters in Christ. I already can't wait to start up all the fun events with these girls in the fall.

This picture is perfect for describing the "all things Boone" that I will miss: including chacos, ENO hammocks, and all the hippie stores on King Street. I am excited to get my chaco tan on this summer (they will be arriving in the mail any day now!) but it won't be the same wearing them in Charlotte. Not many people have them here, but I'll fit right in when I return wearing them in the fall.

The beautiful scenery that surrounds you everywhere you look in Boone. Also the activities you can do while taking it all in, such as going to the parkway, hiking, or swimming in a river (how country is that?). I'll also miss the cool breeze that is always around up there. It will especially be missed when I'm strolling Sloan in the 90 degree, humid Charlotte heat.

Although this one goes both ways, I will miss the freedom I have to do everything for myself in my cute apartment room. While at school, I sometimes long to be with my family eating a "mom-cooked meal" and sleeping in my comfy bed at home. However, I've noticed that being home also means eating what the family eats, being on their schedule rather than just mine, and abiding by the "house rules" such as no eating upstairs and being quiet after 10pm because everyone else has school and work.

Since being at a school that I really enjoy (I transferred from a school that I reallyyy didn't like), I've realized that I will always miss things from home while I'm at school and vice versa. I would have never, ever imagined myself being a mountain girl (although I'm still more of a beach girl ;) before this year. My family never vacationed to the mountains and truthfully I would get carsick just thinking about traveling there. But low and behold I lived up on a mountain for 9 months and I'm going back in the fall! So they must be doing something right ;) All this to say, I really do miss everyone and everything that is up at school and I will be happy to return in the fall. I hope everyone is having a great start to the summer no matter where you are!
God Bless,

1 comment:

  1. I cant believe there is NOT a picture of me! I know you miss me running in your room every night to tell you something crazy, or to vent!
    But this is cute. I miss everything about Boone too, we finally got what we were suposed to get out of college! YAY us!!!
