I'll be honest, this June has felt ODD. The students got out of school soon after Memorial day weekend, but we've had to work 10 extra days which has made the first half of June feel long and drawn out. Thank goodness tomorrow is my last day of work and I will finally be on summer break!!
Anyways, last weekend we traveled to Charlotte for Faith's graduation!! Her ceremony wasn't until Monday so we got to have some fun over the weekend beforehand :-)
On Saturday, Faith had to work and the men stayed home while Mom, Anna, and I rode the new light rail track (blue line extension). We boarded downtown and rode over to the Shoppes at University Place.
We had brunch at the Famous Toastery and then got some ice cream from the now-famous Ninety's!

That afternoon we headed to the pool. Phil brought pizza for dinner and we stayed until dark :-)
Andy had to leave after church on Sunday so that he could return to work Monday. We had a pretty slow afternoon until I went to dinner with Dad, Kendall, Will, and Leah to celebrate Father's Day. We had a yummy dinner at Carrabas!
Monday morning was the big day! Faith's graduation was early in the morning so we all got up and out to Bojangles coliseum by 8:00!
After the ceremony, we had brunch at Cafe Monte in South Park. It was a yummy way to celebrate Tay!
Sadly, after brunch, I had to head back home and finish out my work week. I'm so glad I was able to take a day and see Faith graduate!! My Mom and Phil are now empty nesters and I can't believe it! Congratulations Faith! We love you!
Andy had to leave after church on Sunday so that he could return to work Monday. We had a pretty slow afternoon until I went to dinner with Dad, Kendall, Will, and Leah to celebrate Father's Day. We had a yummy dinner at Carrabas!
Monday morning was the big day! Faith's graduation was early in the morning so we all got up and out to Bojangles coliseum by 8:00!
I'm SO proud of my baby sister!!! She had to go through a lot of changes in high school (schools, siblings moving out, etc.) and she made it! I'm also SO excited for her that she is going to move to Charleston, SC and attend beauty school. She is going to do great things!
After the ceremony, we had brunch at Cafe Monte in South Park. It was a yummy way to celebrate Tay!
Sadly, after brunch, I had to head back home and finish out my work week. I'm so glad I was able to take a day and see Faith graduate!! My Mom and Phil are now empty nesters and I can't believe it! Congratulations Faith! We love you!
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